Home in the Snow

It seems that I once painted a winter scene very well. But, since then, I've sort of forgotten how I did it. So, this is my attempt to again paint a winter scene.

Song: blues in mono

Recorded in stereo, but mixed into mono, a blues.

Song: A Hard Day at the Office

This is the very latest from my recent bandcamp album.

Song: Trouble outside my Door

After numerous alterations, I eventually decided on the version right off of the Tascam recording device.

Song: Gotta Move(Little Bird)

Latest song from the bandcamp album, Accident and Happenstance.

Song: Lake Ontario

Latest from my bandcamp album, Accident and Happenstance. I hope it to be a full album by spring. Maybe, I should have left the harmonica out of this track, but I didn't. Nothing is perfect.

Update: I have replaced one version with another. I decided I didn't really like the harmonica on this one.

Song: Accident and Happenstance

The first from my newest bandcamp album, Accident and Happenstance.

Accident and happenstance artwork

Artwork for an album that will be put on bandcamp

eos or terraforming mars

But I might use this as a book cover later on. I don't know. So, for now, the working title is, "terraforming mars."

Song: Organ Grind Blues

Another from the bandcamp album, Propagandistic Media. 

Song: the winter

Another from my latest bandcamp album called, Propagandistic Media.


Aiff best copies

I may have gotten better at post-production finally to the point where I can sort of do it. Here are the best copies of songs so far.