Song: Weird/ Make Our Way

Might be on my next bandcamp collection, or another after that.

Song: Ode to Paul Bowles in Morocco.

This will be on a separate bandcamp collection after the next one I put up. It will include only instrumentals.

Song: On the Road to Gaul

This one, along with likely the last one, will probably be on a separate bandcamp collection of instrumentals.

Song: Never Been to Iceland

An instrumental using ukulele, piano and bass. Might be on my next bandcamp collection.

A reworking of a song from before. This version will likely be on my next bandcamp collection.

Song: Planning My Escape

Another that should be on my next bandcamp collection. Thinking about taking the drums out. The idea was to have drums very strict with the beat, but other instruments more flowing around it. Don't know if it really works.


Aiff best copies

I may have gotten better at post-production finally to the point where I can sort of do it. Here are the best copies of songs so far.