Think they are on the right side of history(but they are not)

old school

just a little something I created with lmms, though sometimes I think you're better off just playing real instrument. I add vocals later on with audacity. 

After a long while

 I must've forgotten to put this one up. This is newly created after many years away from krita.

58 ovations


Just something I created with lmms. The title comes from the other day when congress gave 58 standing ovations to Netanyahu. Tragic. I haven't used lmms in along time, so this isn't as good as some previous attempts. But I hope to improve.

All of my superheroes are women

Don't remember if I've posted this before, as I haven't done any new digital art in along time.



a few bird calls (soft audio)

These are a few bird calls I captured with merlin, an app that identifies birds. Since I'm on my phone and can't get into html mode, I will include a link rather than audio tag. bird calls

starving in palestine

jy sampler album

a ship called rachel corrie


Aiff best copies

I may have gotten better at post-production finally to the point where I can sort of do it. Here are the best copies of songs so far.