have not forgotten this little blog

But I've been busy with my music, and continuing on with what has become a very long process of finishing my novella for publication. The funny thing is, a lot of my music is up for free in various places places, yet I seem inclined to spend a lot....I almost wrote "effort" but that takes no effort for me really. Writing takes a great deal of discipline and effort, though. So, that part seems to come slower. But, it is almost there (even though I've been almost finished for what seems like months), and hopefully, within a matter of weeks if not less, it should be ready for submission for publication.

I'm still working on a Science Fiction novella with the working title, "A Child's View of Inter- stellar War."

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Aiff best copies

I may have gotten better at post-production finally to the point where I can sort of do it. Here are the best copies of songs so far.