Micro-Story: Joe and the UFO

Joe never believed in UFOs. He thought it was silly tabloid stuff. He wondered how anybody could believe such incredible stories. But then, people would believe most anything he thought. Then, one night while putting the lawn mower away, he saw a strange sight. It could have been a plane, or even some government secret project. But, being that Joe didn't know what it was, it had to fall into the category of UFO. It was one bright light flying low. It stopped out in the distance, and then descended straight down until it vanished behind the trees. In other words, it descended on a straight up and down axis, something planes couldn't do. Joe thought about it for a while. Then he went to bed. He wasn't going to call a tabloid about it.

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Aiff best copies

I may have gotten better at post-production finally to the point where I can sort of do it. Here are the best copies of songs so far.