a final post, for now, not really

I've decided that I've yet again attempted to have too much online stuff. There are those I come across now and then that seem to be part of a "simplify" movement of sorts. These people will often claim things like they shut down all of their accounts except for the one you happen to be looking at. Probably, they are telling the truth. Oddly, I always come across that one blog that the person kept.

I will not remove anything, but instead, leave one last post, like a signpost leading to the one of several places it makes sense to any real people who come across my abandoned blogs.  I've decided it all works out the same somehow. So, I will continue with this space as well.

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Aiff best copies

I may have gotten better at post-production finally to the point where I can sort of do it. Here are the best copies of songs so far.