Public DNS servers

To Expand on my post where I discovered there are other DNS servers besides the one your internet ISP provider sets up for you, I have found out that there are actually many public, free to use, DNS servers besides Google Public DNS which I covered in a previous post.

The reasons why a person might want a different DNS server than the one provided by the ISP internet provider vary. Perhaps, it is simply a matter of speed. In many cases, the standard resolver is too slow. Others might believe the internet is too insecure, and wish to prevent harmful sites from infecting their computer. Others might want to avoid the more adult oriented sites, as they want a family friendly experience.

It all depends on what you are looking for, partly based on your world view. For instance, DNS watch is a smaller free DNS that purports to be for those who value freedom and privacy. For the security minded there are many, such as Comodo DNS.  And those are just a few. There are at least several more that can be easily found online.

Some are more like a service on top of being a dns, like Open DNS.  This company offers more of a internet security service, along with other tools. They have a free plan and a paid one. Again, it all depends on what you want and how you see the world.

It isn't hard to do, depending on your system. It is simply a case of learning how to point your internet connection to the proper address, or to simplify, the right numbers that signify a certain server. Many of these sites explain the procedure to set up a device to use the particular DNS server.

Of course, if one is happy with the DNS they have, there is no reason to change it.

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