Another Song of Redemption

Now that I have collected most, but not all, of my original music on a site called tindeck, I thought I'd begin to put it up on a few of the web spaces I use. So, I will try my best to not repeat songs that I already have on this blog in some form. But I can't be entirely sure not to.

I'm just unorganized enough to know that there are songs of mine out on the internet that I likely don't have stored away somewhere. In fact, I'm sure there are more songs out there than I can recall. But this effort at tindeck is the best I can do, and I hope to have most of my songs up on YouTube soon too. Right now, I have several in the form of videos posted on YouTube so far at my JY Media Channel.

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Aiff best copies

I may have gotten better at post-production finally to the point where I can sort of do it. Here are the best copies of songs so far.